BUying & SellIng

As well as offering architectural and interior design services we also help advise clients on their next home. If there is one thing more expensive than building work, it is buying the land or the building itself. We understand that it can be a big decision and O/R Studio is here to help. If you want to know what may or may not be achievable in terms of planning permission, or how much an extension or renovation might cost, we can provide informed advice. Whether over the phone or at an in-person viewing of the property, we can talk you through what’s possible with no commitment or charge if you choose not to proceed with the purchase.

If already have a property in mind that you’re keen to buy but are still unsure whether you will be able to turn it into your dream home, we can help you. We offer feasibility studies, based on the sales plans produced by the estate agent, and can submit pre-applications and full planning applications that run alongside the conveyancing process so you can rest assured that the home you want to achieve is possible before you commit to exchange. If you are interested in this service please get in contact, and we can discuss our fee and your ambitions for the property.

Over our careers, we have built up a network of connections with estate agents and as such we know of properties that often don’t reach the open market. If you are looking for something specific, let us know and we can help you with your search. Additionally, unlike traditional search agents, if you purchase off the back of our connection and then go on to use us for our Full Architectural Service, we will charge you no fee for our search service.

Perhaps you are selling your house but struggling to get a price you are happy with? We have worked with a number of clients where this is the case and have designed and submitted planning applications to add area and value to help with the sale. We offer flexible pricing arrangements for this service so, if you are interested, please contact us to discuss your situation in more detail.